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Students dare not ask for help??? Why the silence until its too late?

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Students dare not ask for help??? Why the silence until its too late? Empty Students dare not ask for help??? Why the silence until its too late?

Post  Alex Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:51 pm

Alex 22:41:45
You actually use the most helpful resource available to use to help with your presentation... me!!!
I repeat myself about 10 times in class but they stiill don't get what I want...
I showed my frustration to 3 of the monitors about just how much it annoys me
Any student is welcome to talk to me about their assignment
but they don’t!!!

STUDENT 22:42:40
maybe they dare not

Alex 22:42:41
they just wait until the last night before its due and make some bad presentation
well I always say how available I am to help..

STUDENT 22:43:24
well it's another common phenomenon

Alex 22:44:53
Chinese students taking the long road to learn something?
I agree

STUDENT 22:45:33
Chinese students dare not ask for teacher's help

Alex 22:45:47
and that is stupid

STUDENT 22:45:54
but no one change it
except you.

Alex 22:46:49
See you are clever

STUDENT 22:47:15
I dare not either ha
I only dare to ask you

Alex 22:47:49
you use the word dare
its not daring, its just common sense

STUDENT 22:48:03

Alex 22:48:12
it frustrates me so much that students never give me what i want
It's like some of them purposely don't listen and then give horrible speeches that sound so unpracticed and dry

STUDENT 22:48:22
I ask you for help ha
ah...let me think. How to say?
Chinese teachers say ah...you can ask me on QQ or blablabla
but actually they will ignore you

Alex 22:50:44
how do I let students to understand?

STUDENT 22:50:56
talk to them

Alex 22:50:57
I use my forum everyday, I am accessible on my forum all the time!
I do!!!
I just actually want to see students do well
that is because I am angry
well... Not angry, passionate
and I want students to be able to talk to me in English, not be robots.. And I want to make them change their attitudes and improve English

STUDENT 22:52:49
you know, others just help those “good students"
they just notice them
poor me

Alex 22:53:20
perhaps i will tell students a time every week, when i am free for consultation

STUDENT 22:53:30

Alex 22:54:10

I am paid money to do a job, i want to it well
something’s I do don’t work, others do

Is this a common problem? Why do students keep quiet if they don't understand? Too many students seem to be afraid to ask for help...
Who can help me understand it?


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Join date : 2010-06-27
Age : 40
Location : Shaoguan


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